Welcome to the new site! We've been hard at work these past few months deep in the bowels of the interweb getting our online and social media presence more up to snuff. It was a bit ruff at times, we know., but thats changing now. So welcome to the new and improved, Complete K9.
With this new site, we wanted to provide you with a place for all things dog.
HINT: I've underlined words in this blog post that will link you directly to a page!
If you're new to the Complete K9 family, this site will be your main access point for getting to know us as a company. On the Our Team page you'll find information about all of us here at Complete K9 that are taking care of your furry family members. We aren't your average dog walkers, each of us have our share of unique backgrounds and abilities, so feel free to get to know us! We are always up for a chat, whether dog related or not!
Pretty straight forward, but the Services page features information regarding our various services, including the different types of walking and training we offer. Don't see what you're looking for? Or confused about what exactly it is we are offering? PLEASE feel free anytime of day to contact us! We work best through email as we are constantly out and about, but we will answer a voicemail, it's just not as speedy! All of our contact info is over on the Contact Us page.
A big change you'll notice from the previous website is the K9 Club page. This page is for current Complete K9 clients where you will be able to access the weekly training class schedule, exclusive events, and request overnight dog sitting services with K9 Nanny. Getting access is easy! Simply hit the Login/Sign Up button, enter in your information, a site admin will approve your info and then you're good to go!
Did you know that we sell a lot of the products we use?!? Apparently a lot of people didn't, that's our bad! You can now find a variety of the products and information we use as dog walkers, trainers, and owners on our Extras page.
This includes:
K9 Store; home to our many great products like Silverfoot brand martingale collars and leashes. We've got tons of new products coming in almost daily so keep an eye out for this page to open up as we update it with all our amazing new things!
K9 SnackShack; our affiliated homemade dog snack company run and owned by our amazing manager/CTE Kelli Bogemans.
K9 Friendly; an ever evolving list of dog-friendly places in the KW region,
K9 Approved; a list of our top recommended local companies and organizations that we personally use and love.
And of course, this blog on our Blog page! Our blogs will be packed with not only information, but subjects that are important to us as dog owners, and a little bit of humour. So don't be afraid to weigh in with your own two cents, i'm sure you get tired of always hearing ours all the time! Enjoy!
Thats it for the major changes! But be sure to keep checking back on our site as our Events and Extras pages will be continuously updated with all the new products and fun things to come!